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Teegstar's Articles In Health & Medicine
March 15, 2004 by Teegstar
I remember hearing somewhere that dairy products have opiate properties. Is this true? I know some people have milk before they go to bed, and some people will have hot chocolate as a comfort food, but is it chemically a comforter or is the effect merely psychological? I used to be a behavioural therapist for a little boy with autism and milk certainly worked as an opiate on him -- if he had any dairy product he would be spaced out and unresponsive (even more so than usual) for at least a ...
March 17, 2004 by Teegstar
I just invented the COOLEST dessert ever -- (yes, I really am going to leave and go to this lecture BUT...) Vanilla icecream, crushed Chips Ahoy, chocolate topping and malt (as in like that yellow Milo/Ovaltineish stuff) All kind of chucked together. It's awesome. ~*- gone -*~
May 16, 2004 by Teegstar
In a previous entry I asked whether dairy products have opiate properties. Well I was further researching this issue just now and it sounds like dairy products are much more than just a source of calcium! Milk and milk products apparently have addictive and opiate properties and have also been linked to the incidence of diabetes, autism and cancer. Not just any milk, mind you, it's A1 milk (as opposed to A2 milk), a distinction which has to do with the types of proteins contained in the milk....