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Dairy & Diabetes, Autism, Opiates, Addiction, and Cancer
the cows strike back
Published on May 16, 2004 By
Health & Medicine
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In a previous entry I asked whether dairy products have opiate properties. Well I was further researching this issue just now and it sounds like dairy products are much more than just a source of calcium! Milk and milk products apparently have addictive and opiate properties and have also been linked to the incidence of diabetes, autism and cancer. Not just any milk, mind you, it's A1 milk (as opposed to A2 milk), a distinction which has to do with the types of proteins contained in the milk. Different cows can be A1 or A2 cows. The difference is hereitary and some entire breeds of cows are A1 or A2, while others contain a mixture. From what I understand, the difference is kind of like having a different blood type -- it's just milk, but it has different properties.
If there is continuing research that confirms this difference, I believe it's a discovery well worth taking into consideration. At the moment I'm slightly inclined to shrug it off as a bit of a fad. Hence I will continue reading up on it and if I make any wildly interesting discoveries, you'll be the first to know.
On a lighter note though, is this reminding any one else of that Cows With Guns song? Finally, after all these years, cows have had the jack of living at the mercy of humans. And who could blame them. For centuries we've been sucking milk out of them, turning them into steaks and stylish jackets and ridiculing them in Far Side comics. It's about time they got their own back. I mean, come on, the animals don't even have the dignity of having front teeth! But instead of rising up aggressively, they're playing their cards close to their briskets. Subversively altering their milk proteins in an attempt to wipe us out so they can rule the world.
Well I don't know about diabetes and cancer, but I'm prepared to vouch for the fact that dairy's addictive: nary a day goes by that I don't enjoy ice cream, milo or cheese. Actually I'm getting pretty hungry right now... heeeere ol' Bessy!
Milk: A1OK by me,
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Sherye Hanson
on May 16, 2004
Strange concept, addictive milk.
on May 16, 2004
psssst wanna do a hit of whipping cream? first time's free ya know
on May 17, 2004
lol kingbee.... EVERYbody's doin' it!
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