A selection of the finest pieces of English composition ever crafted... if you don't come and read, expect the hit men within 15 minutes.
Teegstar's Articles In Entertainment
July 13, 2004 by Teegstar
I greet you all tonight with a sheepish grin and some self-conscious sideways glances. I can't say I'm proud, but at least I admit it. I love Australian Idol. It's like those days at school when you would whisper furtively to your best friend behind the toilet blocks the name of the boy you secretly had a crush on. Of course she would "cross her heart, hope to die, stick a needle in her eye" that she wouldn't tell anyone but somehow the secret would get out and then the whole grade would ...
April 20, 2004 by Teegstar
I've spent most of the morning shuddering in quiet laughter. Now it's time to share the joy... You've simply got to check out: www.engrish.com It's basically a catalogue of the crazy "engrish" the Japanese seem to be so fond of producing. You'll laugh. You'll cry. You'll do both concurrently. As a taste of things to come... and... Look it, taste it, feel it and get it, Teegs
April 13, 2004 by Teegstar
Jump! Squeal! Clap your hands in the manner of a small child! If you like, continue with the small child theme and mash ice cream into your hair while singing the wrong words to the Bob the Builder theme song. Do whatever you need to do to celebrate, because this, my friends is a true cause for celebration... MAVERICK IS ON THE WEB! Whoa! Slow down, you're all asking me questions at once! "Who is Maverick?" "What do they do?" "What's the web address?" "What's the square root o...
March 2, 2004 by Teegstar
Hello hello It's a bee-you-tiful morning! I have about 20 minutes before I need to ferry myself off to work but for now I'm just groovin' it up, surfin' the webwaves and LOVIN' the fact that I just downloaded Cat Empire's "Hello Hello" for free (legally) from their website. Link I don't know if that link is going to work. They've changed the format of how you blog on here and I haven't had a chance to experimentate yet. There's nothing in particular on my mind this morning to c...