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Politics coming through the round window
Published on June 3, 2004 By Teegstar In Current Events
On Channel 10 news tonight there was a story about how lesbian mums were featured on Play School this week. Play School is a very popular tv show for little kids (about ages 3 to 7) in Australia. Part of the show are "real world" snippets, where you look through these "windows" into how different people live their lives. In a recent episode (I think it may have been as recent as this Monday just gone), the trip through the window showed two little girls and their two mums, laughing and playing together.

Now I am torn over how to feel about this. I am a Christian and I believe what it says in the Bible that homosexuality is an abomination to God, and He hates it.

As an aside, and for the sake of precision, both in the Old and New Testament it clearly states that male-to-male homosexuality is an abomination, and is a little less definite about lesbianism, but in the New Testament there is at least one instance where it refers to lesbianism as a perversion.

Anyway, my belief in the Bible makes me disappointed that something so unpleasing to God would be directed at children. But I think there's another side of the story too. For one thing, if the people who are producing Play School are not Christians and do not believe what I believe, I can't expect them to abide by Christian morals and beliefs. The other thing is that it is a fact that there are lesbians and some kids do have two mums -- why deny that fact? I may not agree with homosexuality but I can't deny its existance. In their own defence, ABC (the broadcaster who produces Play School) said they aim to feature people from every race, religion and family situation. Perhaps fifty years ago if Play School had featured an indigenous family, there would have been a similar outcry? Is that a weak argument?

What do you guys think?

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jun 03, 2004
Twiggie - did they actually say "look boys and girls this is julie with her mums sandy and sarah - they're lesbians"
How exactly did they approach the situation?

Couldn't it be misconstrued that these were just 2 women with their children at like a playgroup or something - I mean Rin comes to our place all the time with Caleb - I wouldnt invite playschool over (they'd be bored - playschools for prescoolers and our babies are 5/6months) but we're not lesbians

was this on today tonight - I've come to a conclusion about that show - it's just like a that's life magazine without the crossword puzzles!! Sorry - reread channel 10 news - well..... imo it's almost the same thing.

As for being Christians - these people have already "made their choice" "been predisposed" "were born this way" depending on where you're coming from - and they've got children - who watch playschool
Playschool Hi-5 sesame street and the like are fantastic programs for the group they're aimed at - some of the presenters are great - Colours, speaking in a language a child can grasp, and learning through the use of puppets, stories and music.

Kids don't care if they have a mummy and a daddy, 2 mummies and 2 daddies, or live with their grandparents (- until they get into a childcare/school facility where their differences are pointed out by other kids) because they LOVE whoeverit is that's their primary caregiver - they don't know that there IS anything different until someone tells them

IMO if two gay guys or lesbians can love and care for a child better then 2 heterosexual people who neglect their child then Good for them - who am I to judge?

(btw - england nz and usa have their own versions of playschool - i've seen the USA one it was called ... i can't remember but it had a red polka dot door 2 teddy bears and a jamina like doll called marigold))

teegs - i lost my point somewhere - sorry - Elana's crying gotta go.....
on Jun 03, 2004
My initial thought was one of mild shock, "How could they?!? What were they thinking?!?", and then a thought about who else would pick up a story like this but Channel 10...

I continue reading and you proceed to reason out the entire 'argument' almost to the letter as I would have, had I thought about it for about 10 minutes or so. So yes, I agree with you. It's good though that they're showing an alternative family unit in a loving and favourable light and are trying (seemingly successfully) to be unbiased in their representation of all family units.

I'm think about it this way --- We automatically think it's the worst thing in the world because the first thing we think of is the mums' relationship behind closed doors. Kids generally don't know about these things and are being presented with this in a non-confrontational way so they can ask questions to their parents or guardians about the matter if they are unsure about it. This brings a great opportunity to the parents for them to educate their child about these things in the way they want, regardless of whether they be Christian, Muslim, single-parent, homosexual or otherwise.

Congrats to Play School for helping Aussie mums and dads to bring up their kids, I say.
on Jun 03, 2004
Agree!! wayne
on Jun 03, 2004
Hmm...well, I guess I can see why the producers are targeting children...to make them understand and educate them about this lifestyle...but still don't think they'll understand. Unless the people producing the show are homosexual...or they just want ratings, I really don't know why you'd want to show people this....I think they did something like this on Nickolodeon(sp?) one time and they caught all kinds of crap for it....so, I guess that's all I have to say.

on Jun 03, 2004
Twiggie - did they actually say "look boys and girls this is julie with her mums sandy and sarah - they're lesbians"How exactly did they approach the situation?

I saw the show as well, the daughter says "I am ??? and these are my two mums" and from what the producer has said it was deliberate. The ABC also featured the story. The only people beating up a storm about this one are the usual suspects....some 'family' association (I put family in quotes because these people have a very narrow view of the term) and a couple of very conservative MPs like Tony Abbott.

It would be pretty funny if it didnt give the government another stick to beat the ABC (who air playschool) with.
on Jun 03, 2004
"I am a Christian and I believe what it says in the Bible that homosexuality is an abomination to God, and He hates it."
Well god must be rather masochistic because made a "hell" of a lot of gay people and animals. They've found gay octopuses, albatrosses, fruit flies, dogs and other examples in nearly every type of animal you care to name. Why would God be so petty as to create something a certain way and then hate it for what it is. And even if he gave them their own free will to chose, wouldn't a higher being be more philoshophical about it then that? Isn't he meant to be perfect and loving. I just don't see the logic. I see the touch of stupid humans, not god, in the bible. This why I gave up christianity. Oddly enough I still believe in God, just not the Christian God. Either the Christian god is a total retard or he is sorely misunderstood by the writers of the bible.
on Jun 04, 2004
i often regret putting up posts like this one because i then get replies that i want to respond to, and then when i go to say what i want to say i just can't get it to sound right. as i said, i'm not precisely sure how i feel about what playschool did, but when i read some people's replies i feel like i'm being attacked for my opinion... and i don't even know what my opinion is! anyway, i'm going to do the best i can to respond to what people said, but don't stop posting if you don't want to, because i'm interested in what everyone has to say (and i think other people are too)

trina: gerry seems to have answered most of your questions about how unambiguously it was presented. which i think is a good thing in a way -- if they're trying to show families with homosexual parents at least they weren't apologising for it. i agree with you to some extent about how if kids are raised in a loving environment, it doesn't really matter who raises them.

waynestar: well you said you agreed with me, so there's really not much to say is there? again, although i don't endorse homosexuality, i can't deny its existance and at some stage kids need to be educated about it. in some ways i think if i had kids i'd probably want to be the one to explain it to them though... i don't know. i have such half-formed opinions on so many issues...

zoo: the ABC in australia is an "independent" broadcaster, it's not a commercial network. it tends to be political and doesn't worry quite so much about ratings. it's fairly left-wing, while at the moment we have a right-wing government. it's made for some interesting debate on a number of issues, and one view in this case is that it's just wielding its power to make a political statement. which in my opinion, if that's the main reason their doing it, it's not quite so fair on the kids and parents who get caught in the middle! although all the other arguments mentioned already (for and against) still apply/

misanthropic male: call God what you will, but it's written in the Bible in black and white that homosexuality is an abomination to him. and maybe that shows the bias of the human writers, or maybe the Bible is the inspired word of God, just like it says it is. God is perfect and loving... yet our interpretation of him is flawed and seen through human and hence very limited eyes. i think if we could see things from God's perspective this world would make a lot more sense.
on Jun 04, 2004
Believe it or not - Rin and I were discussing this in the bank of Qld at indro today and some woman overheard us and was telling me about her sisters husband who's ex-wife is now a lesbian and the effect that relationship has on their 10yo daughter
on Jun 04, 2004
Warning: long post.
Dear Teegstar, I think I worded my post badly, probably because this particular kind of issue (namely tolerance of different lifestyles) makes me emotional (hence the rather harsh last sentence, which I regret). I'm sorry if I offended you. I should clarify that I did not intend to sound insulting about god, but, as you put it, the human interpretation of god. I actually think that the bible has many good points. My personal opinion (that lead to my change of faith) was that I couldn't pick and choose from the bible and decide that some bits were inspired by God and take heed, and that some were just human bias and ignore it. It had to be all or none because how I could choose which bits were which. It would, of course, have to be a value judgement, and yet how can you make a value judgement about something that tries to teach you value judgements esp. those of God. So I gave up Christianity, and decided to create my own set of values, with a little help from the bible and anything else that is a source of wisdom. I never lost my faith, rather I expanded it.
I know that you aren't some nutty, mindless gaybashing extremist (rather you seem to be passively disapproving, which is more than I can say for some people). I have no intention of trying to convert you to the "darkside" or anything. I just wanted to put my point across. To me the spirit of christianity is to be loving and yet the bible seems, in a few parts, to promote intolerance, which is a paradox I couldn't reconcile in my mind without lying to myself. To say I love you, but only if you change who you are (in this case gay) isn't love (again in my opinion).
One a final note, it has been found that children brought up by lesbian couples tend be more likely to emotionally well adjusted than those from a "normal" family upbringing. Like any family though there will be problems and more so if people continue to be intolerant to their lifestyle.
I think God would be much happier with a couple doing a good job of raising their child than someone needlessly causing them pain with their intolerance. In conclusion I hate hate, and people who cause needless suffering, not people just trying to live there live and be themselves. I have no quarms with you, I think you are a good person. Now smile, be happy and go frolic in the meadows! THE END.
on Jun 04, 2004
They've found gay octopuses, albatrosses, fruit flies, dogs and other examples in nearly every type of animal you care to name. Why would God be so petty as to create something a certain way and then hate it for what it is.

Just because an animal does soemething doesn't make it "right".

God loves homosexuals, but he doesn't approve of their behavior.

on Jun 06, 2004
misanthropic male: sorry if i reacted too quickly too! thank you for clarifying, and keep posting!
on Jun 07, 2004
It's cool mate, don't worry 'bout it couple a days...beautiful. I'm sorry I was momentarily posessed by Con the Fruiterer, but I think you catch my drift.
on Jun 09, 2004
Quote: Now I am torn over how to feel about this. I am a Christian and I believe what it says in the Bible that homosexuality is an abomination to God, and He hates it.

Question: WHY do you believe in this fictitious nonsense ? This idiot message of arbitrary hate ?
You realize of course that there is NO difference between this and Hitler's unreasoning hatred of the Jewish, African and Romany peoples ?

There were two big works of fiction full of special effects released recently: The Lord Of The Rings, and The Passion Of Christ. Both are based on old books. Both have heroes and villains. Both see things in a very black and white light. Both are fictional.

Please, go and read up on Memes, get over it, and get rid of all that HATE.
on Jun 09, 2004
Teegs doesn't hate - believe me I know

She dislikes, sometimes she judges - but she doesn't hate.

SHE believes in God's word as a Christian and she's torn on issues such as Lesbian mums on playschool because she know's what the Bible says about Homosexuality but she knows that God is Good and He will be the Judge of us and that He LOVES all of us. And she know's that there are Homosexuals out-there (even on Joeuser) some are even Christians and some have children.
Her post is not hate-filled -- it's question filled -- she's trying to understand her world and her Father's place in it.

Plus - this post was posted in Current Events -- Not Religion -- Tegan being a Christian is an aside but it affects her opinion on the "Lesbian mum on playschool" news story on Channel 10. (I don't feel I'm expressing myself well enough but I hope you get what I mean)

My understanding of Tolkeins Lord of the Rings is that it's a story based on his interpretation of the Bible and his Christian faith. Both Tolkein and Mel Gibson are Catholics. They don't think the Bible is fiction but just like them You are entitled to your own opinion.
on Jun 10, 2004
Well said Trina

The Jon: Please consider that Teegs is saying God hates the act of homosexuality and not the person committing it. (Hate the sin, not the sinner)
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