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Politics coming through the round window
Published on June 3, 2004 By Teegstar In Current Events
On Channel 10 news tonight there was a story about how lesbian mums were featured on Play School this week. Play School is a very popular tv show for little kids (about ages 3 to 7) in Australia. Part of the show are "real world" snippets, where you look through these "windows" into how different people live their lives. In a recent episode (I think it may have been as recent as this Monday just gone), the trip through the window showed two little girls and their two mums, laughing and playing together.

Now I am torn over how to feel about this. I am a Christian and I believe what it says in the Bible that homosexuality is an abomination to God, and He hates it.

As an aside, and for the sake of precision, both in the Old and New Testament it clearly states that male-to-male homosexuality is an abomination, and is a little less definite about lesbianism, but in the New Testament there is at least one instance where it refers to lesbianism as a perversion.

Anyway, my belief in the Bible makes me disappointed that something so unpleasing to God would be directed at children. But I think there's another side of the story too. For one thing, if the people who are producing Play School are not Christians and do not believe what I believe, I can't expect them to abide by Christian morals and beliefs. The other thing is that it is a fact that there are lesbians and some kids do have two mums -- why deny that fact? I may not agree with homosexuality but I can't deny its existance. In their own defence, ABC (the broadcaster who produces Play School) said they aim to feature people from every race, religion and family situation. Perhaps fifty years ago if Play School had featured an indigenous family, there would have been a similar outcry? Is that a weak argument?

What do you guys think?

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jun 16, 2004
The Jon, Hi *waves* ) How ya doing? What is your opinion on homosexuality?
on Jul 19, 2004
Hi Teegs,
after hearing about all the controversy, I had to come read. I want to clarify one or two things for people who have posted. Firstly, most news stations, including the ABC itself reported the fact that the very Catholic (what the 'very' means I'm not sure) Tony Abbott had commented on this supposedly political piece.
Secondly, I think it should be made clear that although the show made a reference to "two mums", it never mentioned anything about 'lesbianism' and was in fact misinterpreted by PlaySchool presenter Rhys Muldoon as being about a mother and a stepmum when he first read the script.
Now Teegs, I must say that your entry in this blog is somewhat less inflammatory than you had led me to believe, but I am glad of that because it sounded out of character. I think your final conclusion is the sort of conclusion that many of us non-Christians wish Christians would come to: that you have your opinion but you realise you cannot force others to become Christians and should not deny the existence of gay people. In fact, the show might have provided Christian parents the opportunity to talk to their children about their view of the issue, hopefully with a constant emphasis on 'love the sinner, hate the sin' (although a lot of Christians don't seem to know anything about this attitude, which is why many people react so anatagonistically to Christianity in general: although this is no different to people hating all Aborigines simply because of Geoff Clarke's hypocrisy).
Personally I would hate to raise my children (if I were to have them) without them having some exposure to alternative lifestyles to their own white, hettie, middle-class upbringing.
And yes you are right about attitudes to PlaySchool decades ago. They caused great controversy when they were among the first to start showing people of other races and religions to children. Now this has become an accepted part of Australian society. Well, except in Ipswich where the debates run high in fish and chip shops about whether we should just shoot all the abos and get on with it.
Finally, the more controversial segment. I understand your interpretation of the Laviticus entry about men lying with men. However, I think it is somewhat misleading to say that it says in black and white that God thinks homosexuality is an abomination. Many Christians interpret the Bible quite differently. I'm sure you well remember that fwd I sent you about that particular book of the Bible. What is more, JC made comments where he explicitly contradicted sections of the Old Testament, so I think it is clear that it is not obligatory as a Christian to take everything in the Bible exactly the way each Church teaches it. Otherwise, there wouldn't be any Protestant churches. And where would the world be without the Protties?
Love one another,
PS Jon, you are no less of a fool than the hypocrites in the Church who would preach hatred of homosexuals. You go on about tolerance of people like my namesakes (Romony) and then aggressively attack the Christians for their own religious beliefs of love. The Bible is acknowledged by almost everyone to be a book that is at least based in fact (that a man called Jesus Christ preached a lot of these things). Yes the book is often used for evil. But that does not make the book itself evil. Just inaccurate, IMO.
on Jul 19, 2004
The very Bible you quote also says"Love They Neighbor", "Thou Shalt Not Kill", " "Nation shal not wage war against another nation".
Why are you being selective in your confusion? Lesbian moms and gay dads are the least of todays troubles in the world."
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