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I'm ENGAGED!! And stuff!!!
Published on February 7, 2005 By
Current Events
Hi everyone
Tuesday morning and I'm at work. Life is going amazingly at the moment. Isn't that crazy? I think sometimes it's much more acceptable to talk about the bad things that are happening with your life than the good things, because talking about the good things can come across like you're bragging. But bad things happen to everybody, so you can talk about them and people nod sympathetically and share about their own crappy life experiences and it's one big, beautiful sook-fest. Well stuff that, my life's rad at the moment and if you feel like being depressed go find another blog to read.
Guess what happened to me on the weekend? Well, on Friday actually. I got engaged!! Yep, Matthew asked me to be his wife and between a deluge of ecstatic tears I accepted. We knew we were going to get married this year and we actually picked the ring out together, so I knew it was coming but it was still very special.
The cool thing leading on from that was last night, when our parents finally met one another. Yeah, a bit weird in some people's opinions, but our families had never met one another. We weren't really sure how it would go, because things with him and I haven't always been as rosy as they now are but it was really good. Everyone got on well and conversation flowed freely. I was so pleased. I knew everything was going to be okay, but it really WAS okay!
The past few weeks both sets of our parents have been asking questions about what we want for the wedding and we were just like "hey, we'll worry about that when we get engaged". And now we are engaged, so there's stuff to do! Things like, where are we going to have this wedding? Are there going to be venues free for the dates we want to have it? We're going to have to, like, book stuff. I think what I'm trying to say here is that it's all really happening, and there's plenty to do, but I'm not really sure where we start. One thing the two mums said last night was that this week's task was to set a date... which I don't think is as easy as it sounds. I mean, anyone can just throw a dart at a calendar and say "right, we're getting married on June 5" (which we're not, because it's my birthday), but you have to pick a date when the venues (both church and reception) are available, the minister is available, and that's not going to clash with guests plans and stuff. Anyway. I think once we start planning the things that will need to be done will become apparent and stuff will begin to fall into place. That's what I'm hoping, anyway. I have the day off on Friday (because I'm working on Saturday) so I might hijack Matthew in his lunch break and take a burl around the city to suss out churches.
Anyway, I'm sure it's time I got back to work! Enjoy your morning, all!
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on Feb 07, 2005
Have you told everyone or is this your "I'm telling you now" - read it here, because not everyone goes to Rivers (every week) and not everyone knows if you get my drift
on Feb 07, 2005
Congratulations Teegs!
I hope all goes well with the wedding and more importantly the marriage. I hope your families get along, personally not the way I would have gone about it but I'm sure it'll be okay.
My sister just got married in January (engaged last August) and she is already trying to get pregnant. So we've just gone through all that jazz, it is quite stressful but rewarding. We are still boring every visitor to death with photos and the video.
The best thing about it is having a whole new family added on. We had christmas lunch together and we all get along very well.
Anyway best of luck Teegs!
on Feb 07, 2005
trina: it's not a secret! almost everyone knew it was coming anyway, and while i don't want this to be an impersonal way of people finding out, we're not going to pains to conceal it until we've told everyone like we did when we first got together. feel free to tell all your friends!
toblerone: thanks for stopping by and for your good wishes. i definitely agree with your phrase that the marriage is the most important aspect of all this engagement/wedding business and i don't want to lose sight of that. congratulations to your sister and i hope the kids she and her husband come along in the right time! yes, the family side of it is really fun -- matthew's family has been really lovely and welcoming and my sisters were already like sisters to him anyway. after last night i have very high hopes of good inter-family relations as far as we're concerned.
Gene Nash
on Feb 09, 2005
And hearts worldwide are broken....
on Feb 10, 2005
Congrats guys, you two will do well together. I mean, you're both a little wierd but that can only spice things up
God bless
on Feb 13, 2005
hehe, thanks gene nash and fishhead!
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