Hey everyone
As a follow-on thought from yesterday's expoundment on my time at the gym, I've come to the conclusion that exercise can severely endanger your wellbeing. I know everyone craps on about how cardiovascular exercise and building muscle can prolong your life, but they're wrong. I know this for a fact, because the class I took at the gym today nearly killed me!
I did a pump class which involves a lot of lifting big heavy weights lots and lots of times (when you're doing it you look really buff and cool, which I suppose is part of the attraction). Well I finished the class, properly worn out and took to the car to come home.
But alas! Alack! My arms had mysteriously stopped working in any degree! I could barely lift my hand to scratch my nose, let alone turn a steering wheel! Yet I needed to get home, so with some effort I turned the key in the ignition, painfully punched at my radio until it started feebly wheezing Triple J and managed to maneouver the car onto the road. It was only by sheer strength of will and the fact that I'm an EXTREME HARDCORE BEEFED-UP CHICKADEE that the car found its way home. I was also cheered on by the fact that Lars from Metallica was on the radio talking about having done 2 hour concerts of intense drumming every week for twenty years. I thought to myself, he's some old rock fart who hasn't killed himself falling on a drumstick yet, I'm not going to let one piddly little gym class stop me!
So I floored that pedal (the clutch, but let's just pretend it was the accelerator) and I made it home.
But only just. And that's why I'm maintaining that you may think you're doing yourself a favour in sweating it out for a minimum of twenty minutes three times a week, but you may really be putting yourself, and the sisters who are depending on you to cook dinner for them tonight, in danger.
On that note I will leave you, but first here's a picture of me when I left the gym today:
No, actually here it isn't, as HTML is evil and is conspiring with this website against me. You'll just have to go without.
Either eat your dinner or put it in a postpak and send it to Rwanda -- I won't have it wasted,