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Published on January 22, 2004 By Teegstar In Misc
Hey everyone

As a follow-on thought from yesterday's expoundment on my time at the gym, I've come to the conclusion that exercise can severely endanger your wellbeing. I know everyone craps on about how cardiovascular exercise and building muscle can prolong your life, but they're wrong. I know this for a fact, because the class I took at the gym today nearly killed me!

I did a pump class which involves a lot of lifting big heavy weights lots and lots of times (when you're doing it you look really buff and cool, which I suppose is part of the attraction). Well I finished the class, properly worn out and took to the car to come home.

But alas! Alack! My arms had mysteriously stopped working in any degree! I could barely lift my hand to scratch my nose, let alone turn a steering wheel! Yet I needed to get home, so with some effort I turned the key in the ignition, painfully punched at my radio until it started feebly wheezing Triple J and managed to maneouver the car onto the road. It was only by sheer strength of will and the fact that I'm an EXTREME HARDCORE BEEFED-UP CHICKADEE that the car found its way home. I was also cheered on by the fact that Lars from Metallica was on the radio talking about having done 2 hour concerts of intense drumming every week for twenty years. I thought to myself, he's some old rock fart who hasn't killed himself falling on a drumstick yet, I'm not going to let one piddly little gym class stop me!

So I floored that pedal (the clutch, but let's just pretend it was the accelerator) and I made it home.

But only just. And that's why I'm maintaining that you may think you're doing yourself a favour in sweating it out for a minimum of twenty minutes three times a week, but you may really be putting yourself, and the sisters who are depending on you to cook dinner for them tonight, in danger.

On that note I will leave you, but first here's a picture of me when I left the gym today:

No, actually here it isn't, as HTML is evil and is conspiring with this website against me. You'll just have to go without.

Either eat your dinner or put it in a postpak and send it to Rwanda -- I won't have it wasted,

on Jan 22, 2004
i have been informed to avoid body attack... mainly because it can kill you if you are unfit, not unlike myself... my mum and i have been gymming it for two days now and i am sure some of the machines in a gym are out to kill people....
on Jan 22, 2004
It'll be nice when spring gets here so I can ride my bike and get a little exercise. I have cabin fever so bad. GCJ
on Jan 22, 2004
How old are you? I was horrified when hearing you call Lars "some old rock fart." I'm 33 so early 40s doesn't seem old at all in my book.

I agree that exercise is bad How could something that causes so much pain be good? I usually don't feel the pain until the next morning when I can't move my legs to get out of bed or raise my arms to brush my teeth I'm no example of a fit person though. I prefer to stick to walking or swimming.

Fun article. I chuckled while visualizing you trying to drive with paralyzed arms.
on Jan 22, 2004
Kenny is adding you to his favourites. I enjoyed it very much. You've got an amusing style, good observations, wittily written. My neck is in pain still from reading out the Howard blog to Kenny in John Howard's voice. There's a lot of neck tension involved in doing that voice. I had no idea you've been doing this for so long, I read all the blogs that loaded on the page.
on Jan 23, 2004
Oh Kenny Wrong Kenny i know, but still, teh Kenny I knew was, and may still be, kewl.