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Entering Tegan's mind... watch your step
Published on January 10, 2004 By Teegstar In Welcome
Hi, universe. I'm Tegan, your friendly neighbour on the net. It is your extreme misfortune that I'm not feeling particularly witty tonight and as a result this little welcome message will most likely be what, if I read it on someone else's site, I would deem boring and nerdy. My sincerest apologies, and I'll make a point of coming back here and re-writing something zany and zesty when I am next in a scintiallatingly amusing mood.
For now though...
Thanks for coming to my blog. Be prepared. Not only to delve the innermost depths of my mind, as you may expect on a site which is accessible to billions of people who are complete strangers to me, but also to share in the mundaneness of my life. For although I am extraordinarily glamourous and exciting, even I sometimes have slow days where nothing particularly exciting happens. Those days are the days where you'll get to know me best.
Enjoy my site, leave me a message and if you happen to be the advertising director of a large corporation, of course I am open to considering sponsorships. Just send your account details to giveteganallmymoney@teegsrocks.com
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