A selection of the finest pieces of English composition ever crafted... if you don't come and read, expect the hit men within 15 minutes.
Although I don't think it makes this any more newsworthy
Published on November 28, 2004 By Teegstar In Current Events
Hello boys and girls

Just me again, poking my virtual head in to demonstrate that no, I'm not dead or even seriously maimed in a way that might have affected my fingers to the point where I can't type. A brief run-down on where things stand today:

I have a stuffy head and runny nose, discomfort compounded by the fact I haven't had an early night in about the past 6 months (I plan to break the trend TONIGHT).

My grandma is in hospital with heart issues which is a bit scary (she's going to be okay though)

I'm of the opinion that you always get the bad news out of the way first because then you tell the better news and end on a good note. Here we are:

I'm going to the coast this weekend

I saw my gorgeous baby cousin yesterday

I get paid on Thursday (hurrah!)

I love my boyfriend and he loves me too

My family and friends rock, both individually and collectively

I just got my uni results (not official until Friday, but unlikely that they will be changed) just before and I'm really pleasantly surprised

I have a cool job but weekends and evenings exist also

God loves me

Have a cool morning!

on Nov 28, 2004
I hope your Grandma (and you) is feeling better - how was the farm? Or didn't you go?
on Nov 28, 2004
Yeah, there is more good then bad
on Nov 28, 2004
we didn't go to the farm. grandma got sick at the beginning of the week we were going to go. even if she had been back at home by the weekend (which she wasn't, and this was a week ago now) she probably wouldn't have been up to "entertaining". we actually ended up going to wivenhoe dam for the day instead which was cool. we saw kangaroos!

my head's clearing up a bit thankfully. we saw grandma in hospital yesterday and she's not great but she's a lot better than she was, praise God.