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And I've got the card to prove it
Published on August 5, 2004 By Teegstar In Current Events
Hey everyone

I've got a press card! I feel so genuinely journalistic!! I joined the Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance, functionally known as the journalism union, last week and my pack came in the mail today. Sure, there was the usual welcome letter and list of organisations which will give me discounted goods and services but the real prize was the card. Attractively hung from one of those trendy round-your-neck webbing straps, embellished with "alliance.org.au" is the blue and white card with my name on it.

"The holder of this card is a financial member of the Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance and a professional member of the working media. He or She should be given all possible assistance in carrying out their professional duties."

Trust me, I'm a journalist,


on Aug 05, 2004
That is SO great Teegie

A professional - nowhere but UP from here my sweet
on Aug 05, 2004

You must be so proud!!! Congratulations indeed!!!

on Aug 05, 2004


i know exactly how cool that feels and hoping youre enjoying it thoroughly.  

on Aug 05, 2004
Congrats on the new job!