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A new addition to my family... and a sad farewell
Bienvenue, Claudius
Published on July 13, 2004 By
Home & Family
I'm both sad and excited at the same time. A big thing happened to me today and I'm all a fluster of emotions at the moment so please bear with me. Today I had to say goodbye to someone who's been a very important part of my life for a number of years. It's ok, I knew it was coming and he'd been sick for quite some time and I knew it was better to let him go. It's been hard though.
His name was Wellington and he was my mobile phone. Since we first met on 20 June 2001 we'd been practically inseperable. He went almost everywhere with me, slept near me every night and heard some of my deepest and most intimate conversations. The longest phone conversation I ever had -- 9 hours and 13 minutes -- could never have happened without him. We stuck with one another through changes in service providers and phone covers and were faithful to one another despite ailing batteries, worn keys and general temperamentalness. Looking back over our time together I now feel shallow and unfaithful to have turned to another, but I know it was the right time. Welly can rest now, yet his soul lives on in his successor.
It is with fond memories of Wellington that I welcome -- and I know he would too, if he could -- my new phone. Sure, he may be a little sleeker and cooler than Welly, he may have MMS capabilities and polyphonic ringtones but I appreciate him for the wholesome, old-fashioned Nokia charm that was characteristic of my beloved Welly. And as I alluded earlier, Welly's heart lives in him, as the new arrival houses Welly's old sim card.
My new phone's name is Claudius and I have to say I'm more than satisfied with him. He's very small and cute and was provided to me for a small fee from my good friend Natho so I know he's come from a family with good values and will be well-behaved. Here's a photo to give you an idea of what my little Claude looks like; it's not actually him, but you can see the family resemblance:
One of the things I like about Claudius is that he shares my interest in the French language. So bienvenue Claude, and here's to many happy times in our future.
C'est la vie,
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Comments (Page 2)
2 Pages
on Jul 14, 2004
I'm sorry, I just can't get into naming my cellphones--I've got a family! There's the Jphone/Vodafone Sanyo J-SA06 in Jewel Black (black with gold glitter). I still wish that one worked here... Then there are 3 Samsung clamshell models in various states of clunkiness, although only the E105 has the SIM card in right now. I'm now looking for cool keitai charms for it. Right now, it's wearing a Hanshin Tigers strap. Then there's the abysmal work-issued Motorola T731c with the 15min battery. The less said about that, the better...
Keo Lin
on Jul 23, 2004
i am going have to talk to you this afternoon about naming phones, my poor lil phone has no name and sits beside me as i write. I can tell he would like a name. though i kinda think my phone is a girl, simply because she watches me sleep, and i like to think that i am not being watched by a man... Although... there is a picture of frodo on the screen... but then she is wide... i mean wide, not long, but wide like her owner
it's the nokia for smsing
2 Pages
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