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In a perfect world
Published on July 11, 2004 By
Indulge me while I dream for a while....
It's 6 am... or 7... or 8.... who knows or cares because I'm slowly waking up about 5 years from now and I like what I see. I'm in an adorable litle inner city apartment or studio or townhouse and I say inner city because I don't know if it's inner Brisbane or Sydney or Melbourne or London, all I know is that I'm right there, in the middle of the action. My bed is cool and the room is gently lit with that sweet white light of early morning, the kind that you don't get at any other stage of the day. Next to me, still sleeping, is a man I love so much that my heart melts every time I see him. His face is still a bit blurry ... this may be due to future me still having sleepy dust in her eyes, or maybe it's because present me isn't quite sure what she wants yet. Blurry face or no, the one thing both present and future mes know for sure about this man is the only thing that matters: he's completely in love with Jesus. Beyond that, let's let him continue sleeping for now. Living with me, God knows he will need the rest.
Slipping out of bed, I go upstairs/ downstairs/ down the hall into the kitchen to start breakfast. My kitchen is seriously rad, with coloured tiles, soda shoppe bar stools and of course a cafe-style espresso maker. The coffee machine is hissing and breakfast is assembling itself by the time Whatshisface realises the day has begun and comes to keep me company. If it's a Saturday, we'll linger at the table, chatting and dividing up the paper according to our interests before readying ourselves for a walk along the streets around our house: past fruit shops and trendy florists, boutiques, cafes and along the river or coast or through a park. If it's a weekday, we'll catch snippets of conversation amid eating, bathing and dressing before I hop on my Vespa and he in the european sports car of his choice and we head to our respective places of employment.
I, of course, work at a young, dynamic publication a short ride from my work. On days when the weather is pleasant and I have the time, I leave the Vespa at home and walk or cycle. The publication where I work provides a stimulating ratio of social issues and pop-culture news, and I am probably a section editor or on my way to being chief-of-staff or editor. I love the variety of the people I get to meet, the colour and changing styles, being on the crest of the wave in news about things that interest me, the ability to sample products, working to tight deadlines and seeing my name in print. No day is the same for me at this job, though it's stable enough that it doesn't stress me out or come home with me too many nights a week. I feel confident yet challenged at what I do and the people I work with are fun, supportive and have similar goals as me. On the days that I need to, I can stay at the office late or come home early. I have autonomy, but with guidance from a superior who is understanding yet direct and firm. Having worked hard all day and acheived measurable goals I return home again. Mr Mystery arrives back a little later, tired from work but having enjoyed his day. We relax, maybe tidy up from the morning's workbound rush and unwind. Maybe we cook dinner and stay in, maybe we visit one of the restaurants within a short walk from our house, taking our time on our way home to breathe in the evening air and enjoy one another's company. We're life partners, we're lovers and we're best friends. Even though we know we have one another forever, we try not to take one another for granted. We're a gift to one another and put each other first because we know selflessness is so important to a good relationship. One day there will be kids which will be another awesome gift and there will be plenty to do and learn, so we take this time that we have to ourselves and try to appreciate it.
But that's five years from now, and in the present world (which has downs as well as ups but is on the whole pretty perfectesque) my sisters have arrived home and the house is alive with people again. So future perfect world can wait, and I'm off to enjoy the present.
And in the words of Julia Roberts... happiness isn't happiness without a flying, violin-playing goat,
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on Jul 11, 2004
on Jul 11, 2004
could you expand on that?
i know i was idealistic -- that's why i called it my perfect world. and i know everyday wouldn't be like that -- even the nicest day would get irritating if that was all you did. it was just a snippet of a couple of things that have entered my imagination...
Misanthropic Male
on Jul 13, 2004
So no Jewish guys then? Ah teasing, teasing....no but seriously they'd probably let you raise the kids Christian. My Grandma was Anglican and my Grandad was Jewish, you could be majorly restricting yourself with that "he's completely in love with Jesus" stuff. Oi, don't mind me, wadda I know?
on Jul 13, 2004
hi again misanthropic, you're a bit of an enigma to me.... you seem to hang around on the site but don't have a blog. how are we meant to learn anything about you apart from what we glean from your comments?
nah, no jewish guys. nothing against the jews, i think they're great people and i've learned a lot from many of them. don't forget Jesus was a jew! but when something -- or someone -- is the most important thing in your life, all you live for and enough to die for, how could you possibly be with anyone who didn't share that sentiment? forgive me, but my love for God is a passion that has to be shared.
Misanthropic Male
on Jul 14, 2004
Don't worry I don't think your anti-semetic. Just remember you can't help who you fall in in love with!
I like the idea of being an enigma. usually I'm satisfied with being called strange but enigma has a nice ring to it.
I have a confession to make. I know you, not well, but we've met in 2002. I only use an alias because I thought my first entry commenting on the lesbians on play school (which I regret making) might seem harsher in writing than I really meant it (besides half the fun of the internet is coming up with stupid alias names!).
I don't care about being anonymous anymore. I'll tell you who I am, eventually, but I'll see if you can work it out first because you've got me rather attached to this idea of being an enigma, and because it sounds like fun (and I'm evil:). This can be a test of your journalism skills. Feel free to ask for hints. There are enough clues in my posts to figure it out. I'll give you six months and then I'll tell you but you'll probably work it out in way less time.
on Jul 14, 2004
i think i know who you are already, it came to me just after i wrote that reply i think
but so as not to kill the fun early, i'll play along (plus it would be horribly embarrassing if i were wrong). as for the lesbians on playschool comment, thanks for being honest.
Misanthropic Male
on Jul 15, 2004
Yeah, I thought I'd probably given too much away. Hmm, I wish I thought of this weeks ago I could have made it harder for you, oh well.
Incidently you get three guesses. Guess wrong on all attempts and I get to keep your first born child. Oh wait, no, I'm thinking of Rumpulstiltskin...bloody Grimm brothers.
on Jul 15, 2004
good thing i know how to spin straw into gold -- is that the same story?
and i'm not guessing, this is way funner. now say more inflammatory things so i can abuse you again, since we are still separated by the luxury of at least partial anonymity
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