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I just can't find the time to, you see...
Published on July 11, 2004 By Teegstar In Current Events
Hey you lot,

Well, nearly two weeks since I blogged but I'm here again now so who cares? Plenty has happened in the past fortnight, not the least of which being that I completed my internship at that exemplary publication, The Queensland Times. About twenty published articles (including three front pagers) later, I may seriously be soon to call the QT my new place of employment. We'll see, I should have more news (har har) on that front by Tuesday. For now, I'm just being patient and recouperating from the past five months or so of my life.

You see, my life is crazy. Fun, but insane. I realised the other day, probably just as I spiraled into a black hole of involuntary unconsciousness, that I haven't had a proper break since around January. What with work, uni, church, socialising, treasuring my JSA, politicking for better student treatment at the journalism school, celebrating my and others' birthdays and trivial pursuits such as eating and driving (which I almost do more of than any of those other things) I don't think I had a break all semester. Yeah, I went away to Sydney and AGMF but they weren't exactly restful holidays. Anyway I seriously can't complain as I can safely say I have had a better time in these past 5 or 6 months than I think I have had in about the past 6 years, but I think my mind and body are beginning to send me subtle signs that I need to take some time out sometime soon. And I will, I will. I just don't know when!

Livin' la vida perpetuo! (it's pretty loco too...)


on Jul 11, 2004
on Jul 11, 2004
i know!
on Jul 11, 2004
Wouldn't it be great if we didn't need to sleep.  If science could figure out a way we could stay up indefinitely we would get so much more done. Of course we could still sleep if we wanted to but we wouldn't have to.  I ask myself this all the time when I am working around the clock towards schooling or work so I definitely can relate, in fact I'm tired now...
on Jul 11, 2004
or if we could condense our sleeping time somehow -- like go into ubersleep, where an hour and a half of sleep would be like a night's worth. of course in many ways it would only work if the rest of the world operated like that too -- or at least as far as the sort of things i do are concerned, where i have to be communicating with people almost constantly. anyway, it's another one for the To Invent list