A selection of the finest pieces of English composition ever crafted... if you don't come and read, expect the hit men within 15 minutes.
Published on June 27, 2004 By Teegstar In Music

This is me with the DRUMMER FROM MAVERICK! If you look closely, you can see that I've wet my pants with excitement. Hey, can you blame me?

Swooningly yours,


on Jun 27, 2004
You idiot!

That's just Nathan Good photo though

Hey - do me a favour and go here and tell me what I should title this as because I'm not happy with the current one.

And when are you coming to visit me? Miss I'm on holidays now
on Jun 28, 2004
Pssst, dude, Teegstar's totally hot.
on Jun 28, 2004
*blushes* aw, smartaz, i bet you say that to all the bloggers...
on Jun 29, 2004
Ooooh...that's all I can say right now, excuse me while I pick my jaw off the floor.