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My tea's getting cold
Published on June 17, 2004 By
My lecturer hasn't emailed me back about the exam I have in one day's time and I'm annoyed! Moreover my little sister is going to kick me off the computer in about 90 seconds so this form of time-wasting is soon to be ripped from my fingertips.
The subject I have the exam for (sucks, as does the exam time: 8am on a Saturday) is one of those subjects which I detest so much I am extra-motivated to study for it, because I just can't stomach the thought of ever having to do it again. I just want to do whatever I need to to pass and never need to know about conjoint analysis, multidimensional scaling or cross tabulation for all future days in my life!!
Although I suppose it is something of a comforting thought to know that should I ever need any of that knowledge, it has been forced upon me compulsorarily and I will have it if the situation ever arises. That's the Pollyanna in my rising up: be glad.
I purposely made myself a cup of tea before so I would have to go back into the kitchen (after which I would go upstairs to continue studying). It's getting cold... I'd better go.
For tea and country!
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on Jun 17, 2004
You know what always concerned me at uni? You study a boring subject for a semester and praise the lord when you don't have to go back to it. Who are these lecturer's who end up teaching the same boring thing year after year? They must be glad that their expensive education lead them to that pinnacle in life! That's probably why boring subjects have crap lecturers - they're permanently pissed off!
Good luck!
on Jun 17, 2004
You know what gets me? you study a subject, write the essays and sit the exam - all the while thinking - yay, I'll never have to do this again. And you are always, always wrong - I am at least.
I turned my back on computing over ten years ago when I got my higher at school - since then it's been power point presentations, GIS, satellite imagery, advanced wordprocessing, advanced excel, basic html, even bloody programming! Ugh, it never ends.
And maths! Oh my god, maths. Before I'd even said goodbye the the rotten class room that failed me so miserably at teaching me mathematics, the next thing I know i'm at Uni calculating standard deviations and blah de blah statistics.
Then their's chemistry - God I was so shit at that, I failed that one at school - but yip, you guessed it, first year university - an entire module on advanced earth chemistry as a basis for geolgy!!! Ugh, ugh and thrice ugh.
Two things though:
One - subjects that you hate never go away, they recur again and again for the rest of your life
Two - all subjects are far easier than school teachers ever allow them to be
(most teachers anyway, though I admit, when you get a good teacher, the world is a much simpler and happier place).
Good luck with your exams! You sound like you have the right attitude by studying harder for the subjects that you dislike - I wish i could've done the same...
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