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Food, if indeed it can be termed so
Published on May 25, 2004 By
The current best thing in the world: extra virgin olive oil. I love it! It should be compulsory... kind of like studying Japanese at school, cept cooler.
While I'm on the topic of food, my newest 'invention' is... hang on I should give it a cool, culinary-sounding name... I call it "La Chocolat a la Milo avec Creme Icee".
Roughly translated from my appaling French it's milo and ice cream. Ah yes, I hear you scoffing and decrying my brilliant masterpiece with claims that it has been done before, but you speak too soon! Unlike previous milo-icecream combinations, in LCalMaCI (or, as it is affectionately termed, Milo Mush), the proportion of milo is notably larger than that of the icecream. I usually mix about 1 teaspoon of ice cream (softened) with about 2 1/2 teaspoons of milo. The result is a brilliantly thick, miloey, icecreamy delight that will tickle your fancy and curl your toes (in a good way).
Mmm.... getting hungry. As a parting thought related to this evening's topic, I saw a really funny slogan on a t-shirt today:
Please do not feed the models,
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