A selection of the finest pieces of English composition ever crafted... if you don't come and read, expect the hit men within 15 minutes.
Published on May 25, 2004 By Teegstar In Misc
The current best thing in the world: extra virgin olive oil. I love it! It should be compulsory... kind of like studying Japanese at school, cept cooler.

While I'm on the topic of food, my newest 'invention' is... hang on I should give it a cool, culinary-sounding name... I call it "La Chocolat a la Milo avec Creme Icee".

Roughly translated from my appaling French it's milo and ice cream. Ah yes, I hear you scoffing and decrying my brilliant masterpiece with claims that it has been done before, but you speak too soon! Unlike previous milo-icecream combinations, in LCalMaCI (or, as it is affectionately termed, Milo Mush), the proportion of milo is notably larger than that of the icecream. I usually mix about 1 teaspoon of ice cream (softened) with about 2 1/2 teaspoons of milo. The result is a brilliantly thick, miloey, icecreamy delight that will tickle your fancy and curl your toes (in a good way).

Mmm.... getting hungry. As a parting thought related to this evening's topic, I saw a really funny slogan on a t-shirt today:

Please do not feed the models,


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