A selection of the finest pieces of English composition ever crafted... if you don't come and read, expect the hit men within 15 minutes.
Published on March 29, 2004 By Teegstar In Current Events
I know, I know, it's been ages since I blogged. This time I do have quite a groovy excuse though -- I'M IN SYDNEY at the moment! (feel free to inject cheers, throwing of confetti and popping of champagne corks at this juncture) I'm having a ball and I've been doing bucketloads of fun stuff, which probably means this entry will be short. A city awaits me!

I couldn't be bothered detailing here the minutae (I'm sure I've spelled that incorrectly -- suggestions?) of my trip but suffice it to say I've had a ball and plan to continue to do so until I leave on Tuesday night. I've shopped, I've dropped, I've partied and I've chilled.... all the ingredients of one of the best kinds of holiday. Furthermore I've had a great chance to catch up with one of my childhood friends who is almost close enough to be a sister. As I said, great!

This morning's shopping expedition has taken it out of me and I think I'm going to go and indulge in some chillage before I hit the streets again later today. Depending on how badly my assignments and work bite me when I get home (which is looking to be pretty badly but we're not thinking about that) I may return to document the trip for posterity. If not, you'll just have to wonder forever.

An eternity of doubt. If you don't think you can bear it, bombard me with requests for the three volumed version. If you can think of nothing worse than hearing every detail of some stranger's weekend trip to another city, let me know and I'll write a really long and boring blog about it anyway, just to spite you.


Till then... don't count your chickens before you put them all into one basket and then judge them by their covers... or something...


on Mar 29, 2004
It's good to know that you weren't brainwashed by a bunch of freaks, masquerading as 'experimental music... musicians" if you could indeed call them musicians. I saw an experimental band just recently and the most remarkable moment of my well-wasted 30 minutes there was when one guy, who was playing a guitar rather badly, reached behind him and picked up a length of heavy-duty chain and began tossing it about. We all burst into laughter when I remarked, "He must have about 30 bucks worth of chain there". No rhythm. No real talent. Just four guys swapping instruments about, making a bunch of noise. Not even the synth or trumpet made any sense.

How was your experience with some of these crazy kooks? Same deal as me or did they actually have something you could call music? It's good to hear you purchased some new music too. They all sound great... hope you enjoy the music as much as your trip!

PS... minutia (noun) plural - minutiae
A small or trivial detail “the minutiae of Teegstar's trip will be both interesting and exhaustive."
on Apr 05, 2004
I like the last line about the chickens, and will even use it if I ever have the chance. And if I remember it.
