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Don't you wish you were me?
A selection of the finest pieces of English composition ever crafted... if you don't come and read, expect the hit men within 15 minutes.
I would blog but I have to, er... wash my hair
Enough lame excuses!
Published on March 11, 2004 By
Current Events
Yo world!
'Tis early evening at my house and it's just me at home -- both sisters at work and Mum and Dad have gone out to see a movie. I'm glad to be home alone this evening as I've had so little time to myself lately and by the look of the coming weekend and ensuing week I can't see much more "me time" being forthcoming. Now that I do have time to myself though I'm torn over what to do... should I take the time to read a couple of chapters in my textbooks or do some research; should I let myself veg out in front of the TV; should I go and do something girly like have a bubble bath or paint my toenails? While I ponder these possibilities here's some light reading material.
You know how sometimes you don't catch up with someone for a while or you forget to do something and you blame it on being busy, but you don't really know what you've been busy doing, and you haven't actually been busy after all, you've just let time get away from you? Well that's NOT how my past couple of weeks have been. I have been genuinely busy! Uni is back in full swing again and in traditional Tegan style I just keep saying "yes" to everything. I told myself this year I wouldn't let myself get as stressed as last year and I'd focus on keeping my work and studies on track. Well second week isn't even over yet and I'm already a mentor for new students, treasurer of the newly created Journalism Students' Association, planning a trip to Sydney in the same week of about three mid-semester assignments and putting my hand up for long stints in a new online news website newsroom. It took nearly all the self-control that I had to turn down a spot as cheif sub-editor of another news website. Plus I'm doing an extra subject this semester. Oh, and this year I actually have a social life!
In some ways it seems I just have a problem saying no to things and you could say that I need to grow a backbone and not let people talk me into doing stuff, but that's not the way it is. All these things are things I'm really excited and motivated about, it's just that I get excited and motivated about too many things! I need to focus on the things that are really important and only take on other stuff if it's manageable. So no more saying yes unless I really can handle it. The upside of all of this is that when I finish I'm going to have one hell of a resume!
I think one of the reasons I had signed up for so much this year was because I thought I was going to graduate in November and I wanted to experience it all before I finished. Well after a meeting with my academic advisor today it turns out I can't graduate this year after all. I need an extra two subjects' worth of credit points to get my journalism degree, and I really can't fit any more subjects in this year as I'm already at maximum loading. When she first told me I was pretty disappointed as I had geared myself up for one more year and I was just about to start applying for a whole bunch of graduate programs. However now that I've had a bit of time to think about it I'm feeling much more positive. The two subjects I do can be taken from any discipline in the whole university. I can study anything I want! It also means I can do radio journalism, which is something I really wanted to do but I didn't get a chance last year because I only had a limited number of journalism electives. And while it does mean I have another semester of uni, the last semester will only be part time, giving me the time to get a job or do other professional development stuff like volunteering at a radio station or working more on webzines and cool stuff like that.
So it's all good mate! I'm going to leave it there though -- for one, I really can't make myself believe that anyone out there is actually interested in my academic dilemmas and mini-victories, and two, I have the house to myself and I'm going to make the most of it.
I have a lecturer who reckons we should think it's cool to stay home and do research methods homework on a Saturday night... that's funny enough to be a by-line,
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Theophilus Thistler
on Mar 11, 2004
That all sounds awesome, very interesting and, as you said, time consuming
I'd be the same if I was offered I.T. related things like that at college. It's just a shame that I wasn't.
I hope it isn't all too much for you but yes, it will look great on your resume
I guess it's good that you're not finishing this year. Now you can give all of your subjects the focus and time they deserve to be done well. Not just 'done'.
Hope you fully enjoyed being home alone. I just love it when it works out that way
I'm so sleep deprived, but I just can't help myself! Socialising, study and work have a MUCH higher priority at the moment! Hope you get plenty of time to chill out and dont end up getting sick like it seems I have....
Take care! See ya when I'm lookin' at ya!
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