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Welcome, Caleb MacPherson!
Published on January 21, 2004 By Teegstar In Home & Family
Hello everyone,

It is my pleasure to announce the birth of Caleb -- congrats to my pals Rin and Andy on the birth of their second son yesterday. It's widely agreed that he's a cutie, though huge! Apparently he was 9 pounds 2 ounces when he was born, but as I know very little about childbirth and babies, I'm taking everyone's word for it when they say he's a little sumo.

on Jan 22, 2004
He looks like a cutie

Congratulations to Rin and Andy! I hope everything went smoothly for them.
on Jan 22, 2004
4.22 Kg's which is roughly 9 pounds 5 ounces. Thanks for announcing it Teegs
on Feb 20, 2004

on Feb 20, 2004
Good job, Mate!!

I love your country, and most of the people i met there,
so it´s only good for this world if you guys multiply all you can.

Cheers to all Aussies.
- Weltregierung

on Feb 25, 2004
wow there are alot of australians on this site. The more the merrier! I cant' see the picture by the way. Did something happen since the others viewed it?
